30 Moves to Make the Most of Your At-Home Workout: A Beginner-to-Advanced Guide

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Are you ready to take charge of your fitness but need more time or equipment? Look no further than bodyweight exercises! This guide provides a roadmap to transform your body using only your weight, progressing you from a beginner to an advanced athlete.

Inside, you'll find three distinct routines, each designed to challenge you at a different stage of your bodyweight training journey:


Beginner Routine: Master the foundational movements that build core strength, improve stability, and target all major muscle groups.

Intermediate Routine: Elevate your workouts with variations that increase difficulty and push your physical limits.

Advanced Routine: Conquer these advanced moves to sculpt a muscular, defined physique and unlock your full bodyweight potential.

Each routine has clear instructions, making starting at home, on the go, or even outdoors easy. 



  Beginner bodyweight routine!

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Benefits: You can perform this workout at home without equipment.

Target: It works out your entire body, including the core, legs, shoulders, and glutes.

Routine: Each exercise should be done in 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions with 30 seconds to 1 minute of rest between each move. The entire circuit should take 15-20 minutes.



Bridge: Strengthens core and glutes.

Chair Squat: Strengthens legs and core with proper form.


Knee Pushup: Beginner pushup variation to build upper body strength.

Stationary Lunge: Works quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Plank to Downward Dog: Strengthens upper body, especially shoulders.

Straight-leg Donkey Kick: Targets glutes.

Bird Dog: Improves balance and stability while working core and limbs.

Forearm Plank: Strengthens core and requires full-body engagement.

Side-lying Hip Abduction: Strengthens hip muscles.

Bicycle Crunch: Targets core muscles.

This well-rounded routine is perfect for beginners starting their bodyweight exercise journey. Remember to listen to your body, maintain proper form, and gradually increase the difficulty as you get stronger.



Level Up Your Workout: Intermediate Bodyweight Routine


Have you conquered the beginner routine? Time to challenge yourself further with these intermediate moves!

The Structure:

Perform two sets of 10-15 repetitions for each exercise.

Rest for 1 minute in between exercises.

Optional: For an extra push, try timed rounds. Complete 1 minute of each exercise and repeat the circuit 2-3 times.

The Exercises:

Single-Leg Bridge: Elevate your bridge by performing it on one leg at a time. This increases core engagement and glute activation.

Squat: Ditch the chair and master the full bodyweight squat. Focus on hinging at your hips and pushing your glutes back as you lower yourself down.

Pushup: This is the classic pushup! Maintain a high plank position and lower yourself with your elbows at a 45-degree angle.


Walking Lunge: Take your lunges on the go! This exercise incorporates balance, stability, and mobility. Step forward with one leg, lunge down, then stand and repeat with the other.


Pike Pushup: Take your pushups to the next level by adding a pike. This move intensifies the shoulder workout. Assume a pike position and lower yourself down with your elbows slightly flared.

Get-up Squat: Fire up your legs and glutes with get-up squats. This exercise keeps your muscles under constant tension, maximizing the burn. Squat down, then transition to kneeling one leg at a time. Stand back up one leg at a time, maintaining a low squat.

Superman: Strengthen your lower back and posterior chain with slow and controlled Superman holds. Lie on your stomach, extend your limbs, and lift them off the ground while engaging your core.

Plank with Alternating Leg Lift: Add an extra core challenge to your plank! Hold a plank position, lift one leg for 5 seconds, then alternate sides.

Kneeling Side Plank with Hip Abduction: This exercise works your core, upper body, and hips. Hold a kneeling side plank, then lift your free leg up and down with control. Perform on both sides.

Dead Bug: Dead bugs target your deep core muscles. Lie on your back with your legs raised and arms extended. Extend one leg and lower the opposite arm in a controlled motion, keeping your lower back flat on the ground. Repeat with the other side.

Conquer Your Goals: Advanced Bodyweight Routine

Ready to push your limits? Have you mastered the intermediate exercises? Take on these advanced moves to elevate your bodyweight workout!

The Exercises:

  1. Single-Leg Bridge with Leg Extension: Elevate the single-leg bridge by extending the lifted leg straight out for an extra core and glute challenge. Remember to keep your foot pointed throughout the movement. Perform equal reps on each side.

  1. Overhead Squat: This exercise increases the difficulty of a regular squat by challenging your upper body mobility and core stability. Perform a full squat with your arms extended overhead throughout the movement.

  1. One-Legged Pushup: Up the ante in pushups by placing more weight on your working arm and leg. Assume a pushup position, lift one leg off the ground, and complete the pushup correctly.

  1. Jumping Lunges (Plyometric): Ignite your power and explosiveness with jumping lunges. This plyometric exercise requires maximum effort for short bursts. Add a jump to your lunge, maximizing your vertical leap in each repetition.

  1. Elevated Pike Pushup: Elevate your feet to take pike pushups to the next level. Place your feet on a sturdy platform like a bench or step, and perform the pushup with your body in a pike position. The higher the platform, the greater the challenge.

  1. Get-up Squat with Jump: Add an explosive jump to your get-up squats, demanding power and strength. Squat down, transition to kneeling one leg at a time, then jump up explosively to return to standing.

  1. Advanced Bird Dog: Master a high plank position and extend your limbs for an advanced Bird Dog. Lift one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously, maintaining a perfectly straight spine throughout the movement.

  1. One-Arm or One-Leg Plank: Elevate your plank by holding it on one arm or leg. Time yourself and aim to hold for as many seconds as possible before switching sides. Choose the option that challenges you most—one leg will be harder than one arm.

  1. Side Plank with Hip Abduction: Elevate your side plank to a full-body challenge by planking on your foot instead of your knee. Perform the side plank with a controlled hip abduction by lifting and lowering your free leg. Repeat on both sides.

  1. Hollow Hold to Jackknife: This dynamic exercise demands core control throughout. Lie on your back, extend your arms overhead, and engage your core to lift your upper body and legs off the ground (hollow hold). Then, transition to a jackknife by crunching up and bringing your arms and legs towards each other. Slowly return to the hollow hold and repeat.


  • Focus on proper form: Prioritize quality over speed to avoid injury.
  • Embrace the challenge: These exercises will push your limits, so celebrate your progress!
  • Gradually increase difficulty: Wait to jump into the most challenging variations.


 Bodyweight Strength at Your Fingertips


Congratulations! You've reached the end of this comprehensive guide to bodyweight exercises. With this arsenal of 30 beginner, intermediate, and advanced moves, you have everything you need to sculpt a robust and toned physique without ever stepping foot in a gym.


Remember, consistency is critical. Pick a routine that suits your current fitness level, prioritize proper form over speed, and gradually increase the difficulty as you get stronger. Celebrate your progress along the way, and don't be afraid to experiment with different exercises to find what works best for you.


Bodyweight training offers a convenient and effective way to achieve your fitness goals. So lace up your sneakers (or work barefoot!), hit play on your favorite playlist, and get ready to transform your body from the comfort of your home!
